Sage and Solutions

Client, ‘Increase our kitchen size by 50%, but don’t knock out a wall AND deliver an expansive sage green cabinet kitchen’.   How the heck are we going to pull that off?!

Usually we have to create a kitchen expansion by taking over a seldom used dining area, but in this case, an underutilized part of the family room was the add-on.  Believe it or not, our design process for delivering a much better kitchen also solved a terrible functional problem.  For 20 years Joe & Kathy took 2 steps down and 2 steps up every time they came in through the garage to get to their kitchen; our changes solved that completely.  Pictures truly are worth a 1000 words — befores v afters.

Sage color cabinets combined beautifully with the rich wood tones in this home, creating an elegance to be envied!  They loved the kitchen results so much, we expanded the project before it even ended into transforming the laundry and powder rooms too!
